Dear Reader,
For those who wish to learn more of this prolific, diverse and now almost forgotten poet we have been working on a project to identify, list, trace and computer archive his work.
To facilitate this two lists are being compiled:
The 'Collector's List' - A complete list of the English Language editions. (345 to date)
The 'Reader's List' - The main editions to display his diversity.
The 'Reader's List' is grouped under the menu headings of a made to order, CD-ROM being prepared to both archive and make available his works - particularly the unpublished:
Song of Arthur
- the completion of his life's Arthurian work.
Cortés - For God & Spain
- A classic historical novel.
Dante Aligheiri - Paradiso.
- Completing publication of his translation of Dante's Divine Comedy.
Inquisitive Angel
- An entertaining novel.
Together with material of interest to anyone who wishes to either trace editions or study the author.
Together with this book, it is also a vehicle to expose the gaps in our lists - in the hope that missing articles, poems, magazines, titles, books, play scripts, ghosted work, films and even manuscript pages may come to our knowledge.
Over 6,000,000 words are so far computerised - materially every significant, known book.
Lack of availability has so far prevented consideration of the many foreign language editions. Needless to say we would very much like to obtain details and if possible copies for computerisation.
We know that The Rat was translated into at least 12 languages for instance..... Swedish.... and ?
Another title that was translated into most European languages was Prelude In Prague. (We have Czech copies of it and Four Days War - Meggido's Ridge is still sought...) we would particularly like to trace all of these any associated press cuttings.
We also have a Spanish translation of Dinner In New York and what I believe to be a Brazilian Attic Murder.
Many of his titles were translated into French - at least one into Japanese.... help!
In the case of the extensive poetry that he edited - where available to us - we have only included the prefaces, contents lists, and S.FW's poetry together with publishers' announcements - for copyright reasons. Providing much of interest to reader and student alike.
A great deal of S.FW's poetry, and editorial work, was published in magazines; particulaly the 'Empire Poetry Leagues' monthly/quarterly - Poetry - later Poetry and the Play - (1918-1932). Some are lodged at the Bodlian, Birmingham, Liverpool and Leeds public libraries. Sadly, The British Library lost their collection in the war.
We still search for the Supplements giving details of E.P.L. events (including S.FW's. well thought of 1920's radio broadcasts about the League and poetry). We would also very much like to trace all contributors to seek their permission to allow the entire work to be made available.
The British Library does have the Books of To-day monthly review magazines, that he edited. Here his work was sometimes unattributed or as by Anthony Wingrave - because of the prolific nature of the sophisticated and informed reviews - of books and films - required each month.
We have the Christmas 1940 edition (Aug., Sept., Oct.-Nov. 1940 and Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun.-Jul. 1941 are sought - in a binding that allows copying for computerisation).
G. K. Chesterton's G.K's Weekly may also be a source of articles and poetry.
Again we would like to trace all contributors or their representatives to seek their permission for the whole work to be made available. As with PPoetry magazine a very interesting period of history is covered by the included works.
We would also like to trace a print or memorabilia of the two films made of his work: So far we have press cuttings and the official 'stills'.
Deluge - RKO Radio - 1933. Directed by Felix E. Feist. (Last KBS/Admiral production).
Three Witnesses - Universal - Twickenham production - 1935 Directed by Leslie Hiscott.
As with the books we would like to acquire material to extend the computerisation - although simply having access to it would enable the lists to be progressed.
Please e-mail: Marrak
or contact
FWB, P.O. Box 3, Ludlow, Salop. SY8 4WL, U.K.
In any case we hope that you enjoy the reading . . . and . . .
The End